Nice – Marseille / Façade de Nice - Eglise saint barthélemy / If you book 30 days in advance, tickets will cost around $31, while the price is around $30 if you book 7 days in advance.
The cheapest tickets we've found for trains from nice to marseille are $30.55. Booking on the day of travel is likely to be more expensive, so it's worth booking ahead of time if you can, or check our special offers and deals. If you book 30 days in advance, tickets will cost around $31, while the price is around $30 if you book 7 days in advance.
The cheapest tickets we've found for trains from nice to marseille are $30.55.
Booking on the day of travel is likely to be more expensive, so it's worth booking ahead of time if you can, or check our special offers and deals. The cheapest tickets we've found for trains from nice to marseille are $30.55. If you book 30 days in advance, tickets will cost around $31, while the price is around $30 if you book 7 days in advance.
If you book 30 days in advance, tickets will cost around $31, while the price is around $30 if you book 7 days in advance. Booking on the day of travel is likely to be more expensive, so it's worth booking ahead of time if you can, or check our special offers and deals. The cheapest tickets we've found for trains from nice to marseille are $30.55.
If you book 30 days in advance, tickets will cost around $31, while the price is around $30 if you book 7 days in advance.
Booking on the day of travel is likely to be more expensive, so it's worth booking ahead of time if you can, or check our special offers and deals. If you book 30 days in advance, tickets will cost around $31, while the price is around $30 if you book 7 days in advance. The cheapest tickets we've found for trains from nice to marseille are $30.55.
The cheapest tickets we've found for trains from nice to marseille are $30.55. If you book 30 days in advance, tickets will cost around $31, while the price is around $30 if you book 7 days in advance. Booking on the day of travel is likely to be more expensive, so it's worth booking ahead of time if you can, or check our special offers and deals.
The cheapest tickets we've found for trains from nice to marseille are $30.55.
If you book 30 days in advance, tickets will cost around $31, while the price is around $30 if you book 7 days in advance. The cheapest tickets we've found for trains from nice to marseille are $30.55. Booking on the day of travel is likely to be more expensive, so it's worth booking ahead of time if you can, or check our special offers and deals.
Nice – Marseille / Façade de Nice - Eglise saint barthélemy / If you book 30 days in advance, tickets will cost around $31, while the price is around $30 if you book 7 days in advance.. The cheapest tickets we've found for trains from nice to marseille are $30.55. Booking on the day of travel is likely to be more expensive, so it's worth booking ahead of time if you can, or check our special offers and deals. If you book 30 days in advance, tickets will cost around $31, while the price is around $30 if you book 7 days in advance.